Ensure you are protected
It is an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit by numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator. The QuantifFit2 determines the fit of a particular respirator and leak rate to a specific individual; typically estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to its concentration inside the respirator when worn. OHD Quantifit uses Controlled Negative Pressure (CNP) technology.
The OHD QuantiFit2 is a highly specialized instrument that utilizes OHD’s scientifically proven and patented Controlled Negative Pressure (CNP) technology to directly measure respirator leakage. This innovative technology performs the fastest, easiest, and most precise respirator fit test available, ensuring the best fit and protection for you and your employees. This is the machine that we use when we provide our service.
The following shall be the prerequisites for your employee to be fit tested by AAA Emergency:
- The employee must have a VALID medical clearance to wear a respirator.
- The employee must be adequately trained in the use and function of the style mask and respirator they are being fit tested for.
- The employee MUST be clean shaven. For the purposes of fit testing and donning a respirator, an individual has to be clean shaven. If hair comes in contact with the seal fo the respirator the machine will be unable to properly ensure the safety of the respriator. This includes beards, goatees, long side burns, soul patches, etc
A “Fit test” is a test performed to ensure that a respirator, such as a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), properly fits the individual using it while also making sure the mask is in perfect condition. This is an important step in ensuring that the respirator will provide the necessary protection to the wearer during an emergency situation, such as a fire.
Your Place or Ours – it gets done
Our highly trained & qualified OHD Fit Testing technicians take care of it either at your department or at our office in White Plains, NY. If you would like to come into our office for a Fit Test please call to ensure that we have our equipment in house prior to coming in. Thank you.